

Voice-Activated Side Scrolling Game

An interactive web-based game that responds to your voice! Built using the Phaser game framework, this game challenges players to navigate through obstacles using voice commands. Scream to jump and see how far you can go!

contributionGame Programming
duration1 Week
cover image of Voice Activated Scream Game.webp

As the game programmer for the Voice-Activated Scream Game, I took on a multifaceted role to ensure a seamless and captivating gaming experience. Leveraging the Phaser CE (Community Edition) version 2.9.3 framework.

My role involved crafting the game mechanics, including the innovative use of voice commands as the primary mode of interaction. To achieve this, I utilized the browser API for input and implemented a sophisticated normalization process for voice input. This not only ensured a seamless gaming experience but also added a unique and interactive dimension to the gameplay.

My responsibilities included:

  • Game Development with Phaser 2: I employed my expertise in Phaser 2 to design and implement the interactive gameplay, utilizing the framework's features to create a dynamic environment where players navigate obstacles through voice commands.

  • Bug-Free Execution: My role involved rigorous testing and debugging to guarantee a flawless gaming experience. Through thorough testing mechanics, I addressed potential issues within the game, ensuring smooth functionality and preventing disruptions to player immersion.

  • Responsive Design: To enhance accessibility, I focused on making the game responsive to various screen sizes. Utilizing responsive design principles, I ensured that players could enjoy the Voice-Activated Scream Game on different devices without compromising on the quality of gameplay.

  • Integration of Browser APIs: For voice input, I harnessed the power of browser APIs, implementing a robust system that normalized voice commands. By utilizing these APIs, I enhanced the game's compatibility across different browsers, providing a consistent and reliable voice-activated experience for players.

  • Documentation: Recognizing the importance of transparency and collaboration, I created comprehensive technical documentation. This resource not only serves as a guide for future development but also facilitates an understanding of the game's intricacies and functionalities.

Despite the tight deadline, I prioritized the development of engaging visuals, custom assets, and dynamic gameplay. The result is a visually stunning game that not only challenges players to navigate obstacles through voice commands but also adapts flawlessly to different screen sizes. The utilization of Phaser 2, coupled with browser API integration for voice input, reflects my commitment to adapting to many technology stacks.

In summary, my role as the game programmer involved the proficient use of Phaser 2, bug testing, responsive design implementation, and the integration of browser APIs for normalized voice input, resulting in a captivating and seamlessly functional Voice-Activated Scream Game.

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